Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fake it, until you make it ..

Some are born geniuses and then there are rest of us, the strugglers. We are not born intelligent, we have to fight our demons, each and every time, the hard way. So be it. Struggle, study, practice, repeat.

Hard work is the way forward. And keep faking, until we make it.
Good day :)

Friday, October 18, 2019

Design Patterns - Using C#

Design Patterns are some known solutions for problems which has been encountered previously.

Can b broadly categorized in 3 grps :
1. Creational Patterns

i) Abstract Factory
ii) Builder
ii) Factory Method
ii) Prototype
ii) Singelton

2. Structural Patterns

i) Adapter
ii) Bridge
iii) Composite
iv) Decorator
v) Facade
vi) Flyweight
vii) Proxy

3 Behaviorial Patterns
i) Chain of Responsibility
ii) Command
iii) Interpreter
iv) Iterator
v) Mediator
vi) Memento
vii) Observer
viii) State
ix) Strategy
x) Template
xi) Visitor