Friday, September 9, 2016

45 Useful Oracle Queries

Here’s a list of 40+ Useful Oracle queries that every Oracle developer must bookmark. These queries range from date manipulation, getting server info, get execution status, calculate database size etc.

Date / Time related queries

  1. Get the first day of the month

    Quickly returns the first day of current month. Instead of current month you want to find first day of month where a date falls, replace SYSDATE with any date column/value.
    SELECT TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH') "First day of current month" 
        FROM DUAL;
  2. Get the last day of the month

    This query is similar to above but returns last day of current month. One thing worth noting is that it automatically takes care of leap year. So if you have 29 days in Feb, it will return 29/2. Also similar to above query replace SYSDATE with any other date column/value to find last day of that particular month.
    SELECT TRUNC (LAST_DAY (SYSDATE)) "Last day of current month" 
        FROM DUAL;
  3. Get the first day of the Year

    First day of year is always 1-Jan. This query can be use in stored procedure where you quickly want first day of year for some calculation.
  4. Get the last day of the year

    Similar to above query. Instead of first day this query returns last day of current year.
  5. Get number of days in current month

    Now this is useful. This query returns number of days in current month. You can change SYSDATE with any date/value to know number of days in that month.
    SELECT CAST (TO_CHAR (LAST_DAY (SYSDATE), 'dd') AS INT) number_of_days
      FROM DUAL;
  6. Get number of days left in current month

    Below query calculates number of days left in current month.
           LAST_DAY (SYSDATE) "Last",
           LAST_DAY (SYSDATE) - SYSDATE "Days left"
      FROM DUAL;
  7. Get number of days between two dates

    Use this query to get difference between two dates in number of days.
    SELECT ROUND ( (MONTHS_BETWEEN ('01-Feb-2014', '01-Mar-2012') * 30), 0)
      FROM DUAL;
    SELECT TRUNC(sysdate) - TRUNC(e.hire_date) FROM employees;
    Use second query if you need to find number of days since some specific date. In this example number of days since any employee is hired.
  8. Display each months start and end date upto last month of the year

    This clever query displays start date and end date of each month in current year. You might want to use this for certain types of calculations.
           TRUNC (LAST_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, i))) end_date
              'for $i in 0 to xs:int(D) return $i'
              PASSING XMLELEMENT (
                         FLOOR (
                            MONTHS_BETWEEN (
                               ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'YEAR') - 1, 12),
              COLUMNS i INTEGER PATH '.');
  9. Get number of seconds passed since today (since 00:00 hr)

    SELECT (SYSDATE - TRUNC (SYSDATE)) * 24 * 60 * 60 num_of_sec_since_morning
      FROM DUAL;
  10. Get number of seconds left today (till 23:59:59 hr)

    SELECT (TRUNC (SYSDATE+1) - SYSDATE) * 24 * 60 * 60 num_of_sec_left
      FROM DUAL;

    Data dictionary queries

  11. Check if a table exists in the current database schema

    A simple query that can be used to check if a table exists before you create it. This way you can make your create table script rerunnable. Just replace table_name with actual table you want to check. This query will check if table exists for current user (from where the query is executed).
    SELECT table_name
      FROM user_tables
     WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_NAME';
  12. Check if a column exists in a table

    Simple query to check if a particular column exists in table. Useful when you tries to add new column in table using ALTER TABLE statement, you might wanna check if column already exists before adding one.
    SELECT column_name AS FOUND
      FROM user_tab_cols
     WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_NAME' AND column_name = 'COLUMN_NAME';
  13. Showing the table structure

    This query gives you the DDL statement for any table. Notice we have pass ‘TABLE’ as first parameter. This query can be generalized to get DDL statement of any database object. For example to get DDL for a view just replace first argument with ‘VIEW’ and second with your view name and so.
  14. Getting current schema

    Yet another query to get current schema name.
    SELECT SYS_CONTEXT ('userenv', 'current_schema') FROM DUAL;
  15. Changing current schema

    Yet another query to change the current schema. Useful when your script is expected to run under certain user but is actually executed by other user. It is always safe to set the current user to what your script expects.

    Database administration queries

  16. Database version information

    Returns the Oracle database version.
    SELECT * FROM v$version;
  17. Database default information

    Some system default information.
    SELECT username,
      FROM dba_users;
  18. Database Character Set information

    Display the character set information of database.
    SELECT * FROM nls_database_parameters;
  19. Get Oracle version

      FROM v$system_parameter
     WHERE name = 'compatible';
  20. Store data case sensitive but to index it case insensitive

    Now this ones tricky. Sometime you might querying database on some value independent of case. In your query you might do UPPER(..) = UPPER(..) on both sides to make it case insensitive. Now in such cases, you might want to make your index case insensitive so that they don’t occupy more space. Feel free to experiment with this one.
    CREATE TABLE tab (col1 VARCHAR2 (10));
       ON tab (UPPER (col1));
  21. Resizing Tablespace without adding datafile

    Yet another DDL query to resize table space.
    ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/work/oradata/STARTST/STAR02D.dbf' resize 2000M;
  22. Checking autoextend on/off for Tablespaces

    Query to check if autoextend is on or off for a given tablespace.
    SELECT SUBSTR (file_name, 1, 50), AUTOEXTENSIBLE FROM dba_data_files;
    SELECT tablespace_name, AUTOEXTENSIBLE FROM dba_data_files;
  23. Adding datafile to a tablespace

    Query to add datafile in a tablespace.
    ALTER TABLESPACE data01 ADD DATAFILE '/work/oradata/STARTST/data01.dbf'
  24. Increasing datafile size

    Yet another query to increase the datafile size of a given datafile.
    ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/u01/app/Test_data_01.dbf' RESIZE 2G;
  25. Find the Actual size of a Database

    Gives the actual database size in GB.
    SELECT SUM (bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS GB FROM dba_data_files;
  26. Find the size occupied by Data in a Database or Database usage details

    Gives the size occupied by data in this database.
    SELECT SUM (bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS GB FROM dba_segments;
  27. Find the size of the SCHEMA/USER

    Give the size of user in MBs.
    SELECT SUM (bytes / 1024 / 1024) "size"
      FROM dba_segments
     WHERE owner = '&owner';
  28. Last SQL fired by the User on Database

    This query will display last SQL query fired by each user in this database. Notice how this query display last SQL per each session.
    SELECT S.USERNAME || '(' || s.sid || ')-' || s.osuser UNAME,
             s.program || '-' || s.terminal || '(' || s.machine || ')' PROG,
             s.sid || '/' || s.serial# sid,
             s.status "Status",
             sql_text sqltext
        FROM v$sqltext_with_newlines t, V$SESSION s, v$process p
       WHERE     t.address = s.sql_address
             AND p.addr = s.paddr(+)
             AND t.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value
    ORDER BY s.sid, t.piece;

    Performance related queries

  29. CPU usage of the USER

    Displays CPU usage for each User. Useful to understand database load by user.
    SELECT ss.username, se.SID, VALUE / 100 cpu_usage_seconds
        FROM v$session ss, v$sesstat se, v$statname sn
       WHERE     se.STATISTIC# = sn.STATISTIC#
             AND NAME LIKE '%CPU used by this session%'
             AND se.SID = ss.SID
             AND ss.status = 'ACTIVE'
             AND ss.username IS NOT NULL
  30. Long Query progress in database

    Show the progress of long running queries.
    SELECT a.sid,
             opname OPERATION,
             target OBJECT,
             TRUNC (elapsed_seconds, 5) "ET (s)",
             TO_CHAR (start_time, 'HH24:MI:SS') start_time,
             ROUND ( (sofar / totalwork) * 100, 2) "COMPLETE (%)"
        FROM v$session_longops a, v$session b
       WHERE     a.sid = b.sid
             AND b.username NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
             AND totalwork > 0
    ORDER BY elapsed_seconds;
  31. Get current session id, process id, client process id?

    This is for those who wants to do some voodoo magic using process ids and session ids.
    SELECT b.sid,
           a.spid processid,
           b.process clientpid
      FROM v$process a, v$session b
     WHERE a.addr = b.paddr AND b.audsid = USERENV ('sessionid');
    • V$SESSION.SID AND V$SESSION.SERIAL# is database process id
    • V$PROCESS.SPID is shadow process id on this database server
    • V$SESSION.PROCESS is client PROCESS ID, ON windows it IS : separated THE FIRST # IS THE PROCESS ID ON THE client AND 2nd one IS THE THREAD id.
  32. Last SQL Fired from particular Schema or Table:

    SELECT CREATED, TIMESTAMP, last_ddl_time
      FROM all_objects
           AND OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE'
  33. Find Top 10 SQL by reads per execution

    SELECT *
                     SUBSTR (a.sql_text, 1, 200) sql_text,
                     TRUNC (
                        a.disk_reads / DECODE (a.executions, 0, 1, a.executions))
                FROM v$sqlarea a
            ORDER BY 3 DESC)
     WHERE ROWNUM < 10;
  34. Oracle SQL query over the view that shows actual Oracle connections.

    SELECT osuser,
        FROM v$session
    ORDER BY osuser;
  35. Oracle SQL query that show the opened connections group by the program that opens the connection.

    SELECT program application, COUNT (program) Numero_Sesiones
        FROM v$session
    GROUP BY program
    ORDER BY Numero_Sesiones DESC;
  36. Oracle SQL query that shows Oracle users connected and the sessions number for user

    SELECT username Usuario_Oracle, COUNT (username) Numero_Sesiones
        FROM v$session
    GROUP BY username
    ORDER BY Numero_Sesiones DESC;
  37. Get number of objects per owner

    SELECT owner, COUNT (owner) number_of_objects
        FROM dba_objects
    GROUP BY owner
    ORDER BY number_of_objects DESC;

    Utility / Math related queries

  38. Convert number to words

    SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (1526, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL;
    one thousand five hundred twenty-six
  39. Find string in package source code

    Below query will search for string ‘FOO_SOMETHING’ in all package source. This query comes handy when you want to find a particular procedure or function call from all the source code.
    --search a string foo_something in package source code
    SELECT *
      FROM dba_source
    AND owner = 'USER_NAME';
  40. Convert Comma Separated Values into Table

    The query can come quite handy when you have comma separated data string that you need to convert into table so that you can use other SQL queries like IN or NOT IN. Here we are converting ‘AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,FF’ string to table containing AA, BB, CC etc. as each row. Once you have this table you can join it with other table to quickly do some useful stuffs.
    WITH csv
                       AS csvdata
               FROM DUAL)
        SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (csv.csvdata, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) pivot_char
          FROM DUAL, csv
    CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (csv.csvdata,'[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL;
  41. Find the last record from a table

    This ones straight forward. Use this when your table does not have primary key or you cannot be sure if record having max primary key is the latest one.
    SELECT *
      FROM employees
    SELECT * FROM employees
    SELECT *
      FROM employees
     WHERE ROWNUM < (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM employees);
  42. Row Data Multiplication in Oracle

    This query use some tricky math functions to multiply values from each row. Read below article for more details.
    More info: Row Data Multiplication In Oracle
    WITH tbl
         AS (SELECT -2 num FROM DUAL
             SELECT -3 num FROM DUAL
             SELECT -4 num FROM DUAL),
         AS (SELECT CASE MOD (COUNT (*), 2) WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END val
               FROM tbl
              WHERE num < 0)
      SELECT EXP (SUM (LN (ABS (num)))) * val
        FROM tbl, sign_val
    GROUP BY val;
  43. Generating Random Data In Oracle

    You might want to generate some random data to quickly insert in table for testing. Below query help you do that. Read this article for more details.
    More info: Random Data in Oracle
    SELECT LEVEL empl_id,
               MOD (ROWNUM, 50000) dept_id,
               TRUNC (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (1000, 500000), 2) salary,
               DECODE (ROUND (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (1, 2)),  1, 'M',  2, 'F') gender,
               TO_DATE (
                     ROUND (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (1, 28))
                  || '-'
                  || ROUND (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (1, 12))
                  || '-'
                  || ROUND (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (1900, 2010)),
               DBMS_RANDOM.STRING ('x', DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (20, 50)) address
          FROM DUAL
    CONNECT BY LEVEL < 10000;
  44. Random number generator in Oracle

    Plain old random number generator in Oracle. This ones generate a random number between 0 and 100. Change the multiplier to number that you want to set limit for.
    --generate random number between 0 and 100
    SELECT ROUND (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE () * 100) + 1 AS random_num FROM DUAL;
  45. Check if table contains any data

    This one can be written in multiple ways. You can create count(*) on a table to know number of rows. But this query is more efficient given the fact that we are only interested in knowing if table has any data.
    SELECT 1
     WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
If you have some cool query that can make life of other Oracle developers easy, do share in comment section.
source :

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Reliance Jio Customer Care, Email, from non JIO telecom operators, Registered Office Address

1800-88-99999 (From other operator) Reliance Jio 24 Hours Toll Free Number

199 (From Jio number) Reliance Jio Customer Care Support Number

1977 (For HD calling) Reliance Jio Tele Verification Phone Number

Reliance Jio Customer Care Email ID:

Reliance Jio Registered / Corporate Headquarters Office Address:
Address: Company Secretary and Compliance Officer, Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, 9th Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021, Maharashtra, India
Phone Number: +91-22-44770000

Email ID:,

User-Friendly Links of Reliance Jio Customer Care Support:

Click here to Register Interest of Reliance Jio – 4G Internet

Click here to submit online help form and to get support

Click here to find Reliance Jio Customer Care / Nodal or Circle offices

Click here to find Reliance Jio Chats, Features, Testimonials

Click here for Reliance Jio FAQs

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My XI against WI for 3rd Test Match

Rohit Sharma, Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Stuart Binny released from Indian squad

It doesn't make sense playing Stuart ahead of Bhuvneshwar. Bhuvi is a far far better bowler than Binny in terms of control, wicket taking capability and he has added extra 8-12 kms speed in his bowling as well. I am ready to accept Stuart has a slight advantage in batting. Bhuvi is not a tail under either. Lets assume if Stuart scores 20 points in batting Bhuvi will get 19 at least. So for me Bhuvneshwar should be playing ahead of Binny in all matches. Binny swings the bowl but we all know Bhuvi is an out-and-out swing bowler.

Umesh has pace but not the maturity or resilience or wicket taking capability as Bhuvi. So Bhuvi should play ahead of him in XI.

Pujara is great batsman but needs some time off. And Ravindra needs a game as well. We saw how well he bowled in the second practice match. So my playing XI against WI for 3rd test would be ..

1. M Vijay 2. KLRahul 3. Shikhar Dhawan 4. Virat Kohli 5. Ajinkya Rahane 6. R Ashwin 7. Wriddhiman Saha 8. Ravindra Jadeja 9. Bhuvneshwar Kumar 10. Mohammed Shami 11. Ishant Sharma

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Great Amazon Sale - Aug 8-10. Extra 3.5% off on everything


Amazon sale is back with a bang. We all can enjoy extra 3.5% off on almost all the products with an exception of Jewelry (gold or silver items - Extra 0.2% off), Gift Cards and Data Storage (where we can avail up to extra 1.5%).

Just go to Amazon by clicking above image. Buy whatever we like. And drop a comment to this post mentioning your Amazon user id, product you bought and final price you bought for.

P.S. - Guys it may take a little more than 3 weeks to confirm and for cashback. Hold fort till then :) Hoping you a great shopping experience.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

England Squad for 2nd test

2nd Investec Test: England v Pakistan at Manchester
Jul 22-26, 2016 (11:00 local | 10:00 GMT | 11:00 IST)

In my views, England and Trevor should consider batting James as opener. Bring Joe back to familiar 2nd down, where he is most successful and more importantly comfortable. Straight swap between Adil and Moeen. Play Alex at first drop. I wanted another batsmen instead of Gary and Alex, especially Gary but as no spare batsmen available in XIV, will have to stick to these 2 guys.

So my final XI would be :
1. Alastair Cook, 2. James Vince, 3. Alex Hales, 4. Joe Root, 5. Jonny Bairstow, 6. Gary Ballance, 7. Ben Stokes, 8. Chris Woakes, 9. Adil Rasheed, 10. Stuart Broad, 11. James Anderson

I know its not gonna happen.
But if you see we have 7 pure batsmen (including Ben, he is no less). 4 quality seamers (including Ben again) including in form Chris and one leg-spinner who could bat as well. May be, we are past prime of Stuart's (batting) but he has few good days left. Only James is a specialist no 11. All others can bat. We could get few partnership-breadking overs from Joe and James. Personally, I would like to have see a better wicket-keeper. Nonetheless Jonny would have kept his place a specialist batter. He has shown enough. In that case, straight swap for Gary to Wicket-keeper. And my XI would have looked like :

1. Alastair Cook, 2. James Vince, 3. Alex Hales, 4. Joe Root, 5. Jonny Bairstow, 6Ben Stokes, 7. Chris Woakes, 8. Wicket-keeper 9. Adil Rasheed, 10. Stuart Broad, 11. James Anderson

England and Trevor should think about it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

WhatsApp New Font Tricks

Since the day, Facebook acquired Whatsapp, small innovations are on our way. Facebook has a history of rolling out updated without much fanfare.

If we want to change look of our WhatsApp messages there's a simple trick. New font - called FixedSys - can by activated for a particular chat text by adding 3 times (`) character (without brackets) before and after our message.

Example : ```How are you doing today?```

I have tried it can confirm by firsthand experience it works.

Image Needed

Old Text Formatting Already Available in Whatsapp :

Last time Facebook enabled us to write in bold and italics. Add asterisk (*) either side of text in a particular chat text to bolden it and underscore (_) to italicize.

Example : *bold* will be bold and _italic_ will be italic.

Prisma App Now Available For Android! Is it the Most Disruptive Image Effects App?

If you think that PicsArt, Instagram, and Retrica are of the best apps that let you add superb effects via filters to your photos then think again. And if you think that having a logo of Retrica on your photos makes you look cool, then be prepared to be surprised.

All of the image retouching apps that you are familiar with are about to get a major setback soon with the launch of Prisma for Android. The app has been available for iOS for a quite some time now, but it is now available in beta for Android devices as well.

What’s the big fuss about Prisma?
Now that you know how excited I am about this app, let’s see what makes this app worth so much hype. According to the Prisma official website, the app will let you transform your photos into artworks. The app uses the styles of various popular artists likePicasso, Van Gogh, and Levitan along with retouching the photos of your priceless moments using various new filters.

Prisma achieves this using a unique combination of neural networks and AI (artificial intelligence) for producing mind-blowing results.

How To Get Prisma Android App?
As of now, Prisma is only available for iOS devices on the App Store, with no way to download via Google Play, but you can sign up for News on Prisma’s official website and the developers will you send an invite link.

You can also download Prisma apk from here and dive into the world of Prisma.

How To Use Prisma?
When you open the app, you can start either by clicking a new photo (including selfies), or by selecting an image from the gallery. However, the app offers no controls over the camera but the LED flash.

Note: An internet connection is needed for applying the filters in Prisma.

Just open the camera via the Prisma app, click a picture, select a filter of your choice, and share it among your friends.

If you want to retouch an already clicked picture then follow the procedure below:
Touch the thumbnail on the bottom-right corner of the screen and select the image that you want to apply the filters to.
Change the orientation, crop the image, and click next.
Select the filter that you want to apply, and drag your finger horizontally on the image to adjust the intensity of the effect and…
You’re good to go.

In this version, Prisma won’t show you an option to save your artwork once it’s done retouching. You can only share your image via Instagram and other standard sharing options. However, there is an option to ‘Save artworks automatically’ in the Settings menu. If you enable that then you need not worry about saving your masterpieces created via Prisma.

All these automatically saved artworks are saved to Prisma’s folder which can be accessed by going to File manager -> Prisma

As of now, Prisma allows you to choose from 36 filters for retouching your images, but as already mentioned you need internet access for doing so. If you are on a mobile data connection then you should know that Prisma uses a lot of data.
Some Examples

During my initial testing, Prisma used more than 8 MB of data for converting just nine 13 MP images into square artworks (1:1 aspect ratio). This is a huge volume of data especially when you are on a mobile data plan with limited usage of 1 GB or so.

Also the image transformation takes somewhere between 5-10 seconds (sometimes even more) which is too slow when you are in a hurry to share that scenic vista on social networks.

I do hope that Prisma will get faster and data efficient by the time of its full launch on Google Play. Download the Prisma app fromhere and give it try. Do you think it is best image retouching app out there?

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Never buy Lenovo Mobiles going forth


What do we look before buying a smartphone? Specs, price mainly, correct?
Believe me start considering service centers as well. Even I would say SERVICE should be first priority.

I had bought a Lenovo K3 Note last year. We all know it was a huge success and was top selling smartphone. As it was budget phone costing Rs 9,999 only and applying some offers, I myself had to pay somewhere around Rs 9,200. It packed high level specs in 5.5 inch mobile.

But its a failure. All the friends and family using this phone has reported same thing. And if you do not believe me, visit any Lenovo MOBILE Service Center (Please be certain to visit MOBILE service center and not Laptop/Tablet). You will find long waiting queues.

There are only 3 Lenovo Mobile Service Centers in Bangalore :

Address :
B2X Lenovo Flagship (Lenovo & Motorolla Mobiles Service Center),
Aurobindo Marg, 4th Block Jayanagarar, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Contact No : 080-32321153

Opening Timings : Monday to Saturday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Sunday closed

Address : 
Hcl Infosystems Limited, No. 197/A, Binnamangala Iind Stage, Indira Nagar, Banglore-38 (Opp. To Hdfc Bank Signal, Cmh Road)-560042

Contact No : 080-60505591 ,9164022741, 9901171282
Contact Person : Mohammed Rizwan

Opening Timings : Monday to Saturday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Sunday closed

3. Absolute Care

Address :
#135/2, 1st floor, Ghattes Plaza, 11th cross, Sampige road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore - 560 033.

Contact No : 080-42199133 / 9986031050

Opening Timings : Monday to Saturday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Sunday closed

There is huge shift in approach for Lenovo Mobile Handsets. Even if a small nail scratch gets on Lenovo phone screen, whole warranty will be void. I had visited B2X Lenovo Mobiles Service Center and it was a very bad experience. Though I am not very sure, if it is same with all the Lenovo Service Centers. And it wasn't only me. There were several other surprised and unsatisified customers. I am yet to visit another Lenovo Service Center 

Bottom line is if your lenovo handset has even a very small scratch, they will say warranty is void. And phone can only be serviced if you accept to pay the charges.

P.S, - Motorolla has been acquired by Lenovo around 2 years back. And Lenovo service centers cater needs of Motorolla phones as well. Need to check, what's their status.

Lenovo Smartphone (mobile) Service Center Bangalore.

Lenovo K3 Note Review

Do not buy Lenovo K3 Note

No pros as such, having same features as any other mobile. But yes I found its 5.5 inch full HD useful.

1. Touchscreen problem
2. Too much heating
3. Hangs a lot
4. Warranty will be void with even a nail scratch
4. Battery doesn't last a complete day on usage

I strongly do not think, my phone is defected piece or my phone is an exception. My wife visited Lenovo Service Center and was suprised to know that all Lenovo K3 Note users were complaining of almost same thing. Touchscreen doesn't respond. Phone hangs a lot. And its get heated up with use and even while charging. Even the Service Center guy acknowledged these issues. I do not understand what's the use of warranty if it void even with a small nail scratch.

Update : Post Marshmallow update, mobile responds faster and and is not getting heated up a lot like earlier days. But touchsreen is a hardware thing and there's no improvement as expected.

And to visit Lenovo Mobile Service Centers in Bangalore ...

Thursday, July 7, 2016



Books should be provided by schools at the start of academic year and submitted back at the end of session.

Books life should not be just one year

We are screaming Save Paper, Save Water and no one notices these small effective things.

Even developer countries like America follows this and a developing country like India discards millions of books every year.

I have done my schooling from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalay and it follows this beautiful culture.

Books might get dirty

I have drafted and written mails and letters to our respected leaders like prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi (to PMO), chief ministers of Bihar, Karnataka and Delhi Mr. Nitish Kumar, Mr. S Siddaramaiah, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal

Please do not WALK on ROADS looking at your MOBILE SCREENS and wearing EARPHONES

Please do not walk on roads while being immersed in your mobile screen. This is my earnest request. You are not only putting yourself at risk but others as well.

Mobile is not world. World does not start and end inside your mobile.

Yesterday, while coming to office, I saw a gentleman bent into mobile screen and crossing road. I honked two-three times which fell on his deaf ears. At last, I applied both my bike brakes in a hush and somehow was able to stop just in front of him. And can you expect, how did he respond. By giving me long stare. As if I was at fault completely.

This is not only thing. people walk using earphones inside their ears.

I think if people do not have common sense not to do it. govt. should bring a new law not only for drivers but pedestrians as well. I have observed people crossing critical junctions looking in their mobile screens.

Please please people, do not do these. You are grown ups.

Do not wait for the perfectness

Hey readers

I want to blog more often. And I do not lack in ideas or content. Though I feel time scarcity (probably I need better time management) but the biggest problem is that I think, this is not perfect. This article need more refining. I could use some more images. Could use some more bold text. This paragraph needs improvement and all that.

And I never get that extra bit of time to do refining. This is my problem. I have at least 20 articles left in draft state. Few date back to two years back. And I realize this is not only my problem. Several other suffer due to this syndrome.

It might sound cliché to say, this is not first time I have realized it. But better part is I am deciding, from today onwards I will post even half edited articles. That way, my readers will have advantages as well few disadvantages. Advantage would be the reviews or information will be readily available on my blog for seekers. Disadvantage could be, readers may need to focus little more to make sense, what exactly I am trying to say.

I would like to recall one small story from Bollywood flick Life in a ... Metro, where Irrfan tells Konkana about his crazy friend. His friend has bought a very expensive car but never takes the car out. And tells eveyone, he will take out his car on the day when all traffic lights of the city will go green.

P.S. – This is my first un-edited post :) I will try to edit articles at a later time, if only I get time ;)

When will be Reliance JIO launched for Public?

When public launch of Jio will be happen?

There is a huge glut of good network providers in India. Airtel and Vodafone were considered good enough. But in last three weeks, I have seen what Vodafone network has become. It has created and touched a new low. I was seriously considering shifting to Airtel. But then one day got to know from my friend, it's no better. I am seriously considering shifting to Idea. At least giving a chance, if it works?

Besides, it's very frustrating. It;s very frustrating as I have been waiting for Reliance Jio launch for quite a very long while now. First got to know about it somewhere September/October last year. Was very excited to know that Vodafone and Airtel will have a serious contender now. But when on December 27, 2015, Reliance launched only for it's own employees, it was very disappointing. But had hopes, it will be openly launched for public somewhere in March 2016. And here we are, first week of July is gone. Sultan already released and break all first day box office records. And Jio is still to be launched. At least they should have come in open and have informed public reasons behind this very long delay. Might be they are yet not ready for a such a big customer base. But I strongly think they used this hype for selling their low quality LYF smartphones.

I am hoping Mukesh Ambani Sir and Reliance will not repent later. As during this time, many other players has successfully launched their 4G services quietly. Idea has improved its services by leaps and bounds.

Whenever Jio will be opened for public, there will be a huge outburst. People will queue up for SIMs. And they will start using SIMs instantly. It will bode well for 4G VoLTE enabled smartphones as well. Sales will go up exponentially.

In a way, Reliance is able to sell huge number of their sub-standard LYF phones by creating hype for their 4G Network. It turned out to be a win-win situation for them. They were able to increase their customer base for testing their network and at the same time sold numerous sub-standard LYF handsets. But nowadays public is not a fool anymore as we used to be. We are yet to see how public teaches Reliance a lesson.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Things to be taken care of while choosing TYRE for BIKE

When the time comes to change your worn out OEM tyre for your motorbike we get confused as to what to buy. Often the grip in wet conditions reduces as much as 2/3rd of the dry grip on tarmac.

While selecting tyres we need to consider the following points:

1) What type of grip you want - Dry/Wet tarmac, Slush, Gravel, loose soil?/Type and depth of tread pattern.

2) Tubeless or tubetype

3) Load rating.

4) Rim size.

5) Clearance between Swing arm and the tyre. Extent of Modifications required to fit in your favourite fatter tyre.

6) Compound of tyre(Soft/Hard) used in manufacturing the tyre.

7) Profile of tyre - Round/Flat.

8) Width of tyre/Wider contact patch.

Point No. 6 is the most important point while purchasing any tyre.

1)Type of grip you want - [Dry/Wet tarmac], [Slush, Gravel, loose soil]

If you want dry grip on tarmac you need tyres which would give maximum contact area with the road that means a tyre with no tread grooves at all! also called Slick tyres as used in racing.Slick tyres also require a lot of warm up before they start gripping so they are nearly banned for on-road usage.These tyres will be quite bad in wet on-road conditions also because they don't have any grooves which will draining out water during wet operation. Slush, Gravel, Loose soiled will require a higher depth tread pattern and like a button(like motocross bike tyres). The more looser the soil the more the distance between two studs/buttons. A Dual purpose tyre will have closely packed buttons because they have to perform good on tar road as well as little off-roading and so contact patch needs to be good for more grip. A motocross type tyre will have very less contact patch and so will perform poorly on tarmac but the studs will grip the loose soil(sort of a positive contact) better and so good grip in off-road conditions.

2) Tubeless(TL) or tubetype(TT):

If you are having alloys in your bike then one should go for tubeless tyres. Tubeless tyres have one advantage that in case of punctures they dont leak air abruptly(also called as "burp" -lingo) and will deflate slowly. For repairing a TL one need not remove the wheel from the motorbike.It can be repaired on the bike itself. So easy to repair a big boon for long distance tourers. IMPORTANT: DO NOT FIT TUBETYPE TYRE AS TUBELESS ON WHEEL RIM. IT CAN CAUSE ACCIDENT.

3) Load rating:

It is mentioned on the sidewall of the tyre and it represents the capacity of the tyre to take the weight of the bike. Do not go for a lower Load rating than that is mentioned on your OEM tyre.

4) Rim Size and Tyre width:

Tyres are built for a particular RIM size. Its dangerous to fit any random tyre on any random rim. Eg. A tyre specification is 120/80 x 17 means a Tyre width of 120 mm, a Tyre height(radial distance from rim to the outer surface of the tyre.) of 80% of 120 mm and 17 is the Rim Diameter in inches. A tyre specification does not mention rim width. Eg: Rim width: 2.15j means 2.15 inches. For eg. the maximum tyre width a 2.15j rim can support is 120 mm.There are various charts available on internet to suggest the fattest tyre your existing rim can support. Confusing! So the thumb rule is you can go to a next bigger width of tyre on your motorcycle than what is provided by your OEM. If my motorcycle came with a 110 mm width tyre fitted on 2.15j rims  the max I can go for is 120 mm.

5) Clearance between Swing arm and the tyre. Extent of Modifications required to fit in your favourite fatter tyre.

This clearance is very important as the tyre can rub your swingarm or your bikes body parts especially during the bike going through a pothole. And what if the tyre punctures and there is no space for the flattened tyre. I am still to find out the acceptable gap between the swing arm and the tyre but I feel a minimum of 7-8 mm will be required for all the conditions the tyre has to go through.(The tyre expands width wise while going through a pothole). You can adjust a fatter tyre in your existing bike by pulling the rear tyre more rearwards by adjusting the chain. You might be required to fit an additional link in the chain to do so. You will also might be required to cut the chain guard to make clearance. I would never recommend cutting the swing arm to make space for fatter tyre as it will lead to serious problems with the rigidity-read stability of the bike and also the reliability of the bike.

6) Compound of tyre(Soft/Hard) used in manufacturing the tyre.

Compound of the tyre is one of the most important even more important than contact patch. A softer tyre compound has better grip than a similar hard compound tyres. But a softer compound tyre will wear faster leading to less life of the tyre. A harder compound tyre has less on-road grip but will last longer. On pure loose soil as in off-roading the compound of the tyre will not matter much but the tread depth and tread pattern will matter more.(Read button type). A Dual purpose tyre will have a right blend of the Soft and Hard Compound, Hard enough so that it lasts long during the off-roading and at the same type soft enough to get a good grip on tarmac which is quite difficult to get.

How to check: Press your fingers nail into a hard and soft compound tyre and you will notice that the depression formed will be more and will also take more time to recover in a soft compound tyre. Also I observed that a soft compound tyre when rubbed hard with your thumb will give out flakes(similar to your pencil eraser) and the surface will be rough to touch. A hard compound tyres surface will be smooth with a nice finish which we don't want it to be!

7) Cross-section Profile of tyre - Round/Flat.

Tyre which are found on race bikes will have a more rounder profile which is good for cornering at high-speeds. Tyres which are found on touring bikes will have more of a flat profile to get better contact patch while straight-ahead driving position. One more point to be noted here is that a thinner rim width will make a tyre more rounder and a higher rim width will make the tyre more flat so one might need to select the correct rim width size to get the correct tyre profile he desires. The tyre profile depends on the tyre make the tyre manufacturer can make a tyre which is mounted on thinner rim to have a flat profile where as a tyre which is mounted on wider rim to have a rounder profile so it all depends on the type of tyre. One should always check whether a certain tyre width can be mounted on a particular rim width from the manufacturer itself.

8) Width of tyre/Wider contact patch.

We always want a wider contact patch at the contact between the tyre and road contact point. Now one would question that Mu Friction coefficient is not dependent on area but then that is only true of ideal bodies which don't deform.For those bodies which deform like the tyre rubber the above law does not hold true and the law of micro asperities rules the situation. So the more wider the tyre the more grip it will give. But remember a wider/heavier tyre and more so with a soft compound due to more grip is bound to reduce your bikes acceleration and also to some extent fuel efficiency.

At the moment we will replace the tires of vehicles, usually we just say the size of tire that we will change or buy, ie the size of 2.75-17 or 100/90-18. Because the parameter that indicates the size of the width, thickness and diameter, but in fact there are many codes and symbols that bikers should know in order to get a tire that meets the specifications chill and know the safe limits for consumption.

We see from the most common standard used for a tire.

Tire Size
Tire size usually use the metric system (metric system) or system-inch (inch system). As an illustrative example tire has a code: 100/90-18, and 2.50-17
how to read it?

100/90-18 tire uses the metric system mean the first number is the size of tire width, the second number after the slash (/) adalan ratio in percent between the width and height of the tire and the third digit after the sign - is the diameter of the rim / wheel. So the size of the tires with 100/90-18 if the translated code is 100 mm tire width, height, tires 90% x 100 = 90 mm and diameter of the tire or wheel size / rim 18 inches.

Tires 2.50-17 inch system so the size is the width of 2.5-inch tires, if converted to mm, 1 inch = 2:54 a 63.4 mm tire width, height of the tire because the second number after the slash is not considered the ratio is 100% so high 2:50 and diameter in inches tire or rim size 17 inch / 17 inch rim.

Age Production
In one side of the tire usually printed four-digit code that indicates when the tire is produced. For example, the 2108 figures can be read the first two digits indicate the week, the last two digit year of manufacture. So the code above is a tire produced in week-21 in 2008. Code production age to note how long the tires can be stored, who fear that affect the performance of the tire itself

Front or Rear Tire Code
To code the use of the front tires or rear tires usually are written with the letter (alphabet) code "F" means front tire to front tire while "R" rear tire to rear tire. Usually there are differences in the form of development / pattern front and rear tires due to the different functions for the front tires as the wheel and if the rain should be able to drain the water so the front tires usually have a flow of water. While the rear tires to drive the function requires a large torque so that the traction is needed so the rear tires usually larger size and has no water flow.
But sometimes we also like to see the rear tires have water flow only the larger size difference alone.

Maximum speed code
Maximum speed of code written by the code letter, which indicates the limit
maximum of a tire driven on for 1 hour with a load according to standard specifications.

Table Maximum speed (km/h)

Case in point : Honda Beat scooter tire brands Federal code 80/90-14 M / C 40P. The letter P that is behind the number (40P) showed that the maximum speed. Appropriate table above shows P is the maximum speed of 150 km / hour.

The Code Used Compound
Compound Code tire letter written in code, which indicates that the tire compound has a soft to hard. Code "S" indicates soft soft compound, "M" indicates medium compound medium and "H" hard means hard tire compound. Selection of tire compound depending on the needs for example for the road race which usually use a soft compound tire with a softer compound is soft and sticky stick to the asphalt, but because it is soft then the tire will quickly run out. While the medium is usually used for day to day. If a tire brand Batllax with code BT 92 F Radial 120/70 R17 M / C 54H, code M / C that's what tire compound showed moderate.

The Direction of Tire Rotation
Direction of rotation or tire rotation is shown by an arrow (Arrow), installation of tires must be in accordance with the direction of the arrow for the direction this development will be the perfect tires stick to the asphalt, or pouring water on wet roads as well as
get good traction. If the installation of inverted tire will not stick to the road and less well traksinya so the tires feels more slippery which could endanger the rider.

Maximum Load Tires
Indication of the maximum load that can be retained by the tire in a cold state
usually included in Diding tires. There have written direct bebanya also are using index numbers.
Written direct written eg Max. Load 212 kg (467 LBS) AT 280 KPa (41 psi) Cold can be read: the tire to hold the maximum load 212 kg or 467 lbs with a maximum wind pressure of 41 psi in cold conditions (vehicle not used)

Using index numbers :
(73W) V280 73 numbers are index numbers that have a standard maximum load 365 kg. 
Table below the maximum load index (kg).
• 30 = 106, 31 = 109, 32 = 112.33 = 115, 34 = 118, 35 = 121, 36 = 125, 37 = 128, 38 = 132, .39 = 136
• 40 = 140, 41 = 145, 42 = 150, 43 = 155, 44 = 160, 45 = 165, 46 = 170, 47 = 175, 48 = 180, 49 = 185
• 50 = 190, 51 = 195, 52 = 200, 53 = 206, 54 = 212, 55 = 218, 56 = 224, 57 = 230, 58 = 236, 59 = 243

Type of Tire
On the side of the tire wall is usually also included these types of tires such as TT = Tube Type or TL = tubeless. Tube-type tire means the tire using tire inner tube, medium or radial tubeless tires are not needed in again.

Symbol Triangle
Triangle symbol is called Thread Indication (TWI) or limit the use of indicators.
Picture a triangle on the side of the tire wall is the final limit of tire grip or plot, if plot tires have been eroded or thin sdudah because the use of the tire should be replaced because it was not safe anymore.

Symbol Color Line
The symbol of this color line is the layer of development that has not been used to indicate the tire was new. Because the outer layer of these tires on the development / pattern so if the old tires will wear out. Color line there is one but there are also more than one color, and each manufacturer usually has a different color eg white, red, yellow, blue and green.

Symbols Balance
Symbols balance is usually in the form of dots on the tire wall, mark a round with different colors for each manufacturer eg yellow, red or blue. Signs of this balance must be considered when setting up the tires, because the lightest itulan point of each tire, at that point also the position of valve must be parallel. Because the tire valve is a heavy point of the tire.

Tire Structure
Not all manufacturers specify tire tire structure, but for good-quality tire manufacturers usually include them. For example: Tread: 4 nylon, side wall: 2 nylon.
*  Tread tire tread is the part that directly intersect with the asphalt, must be strong against impact, which can damage the tire puncture. provide power sticks to the asphalt and tire durability due to friction. So Tread tire comprises four layers of nylon.
*  Side wall is the wall of the left and right side tires. Functioning as a crutch ban.Jadi tire side wall is composed of 2 layers of nylon.

    References :

    Monday, February 15, 2016

    13 scientifically PROVEN ways to be happy

    Being stressed is now a big, unwanted, part of our life. There's no escape from the miserable feeling of stress, which not only hampers productivity at work but affects the quality of our personal space too. So much so, it can also lead to health risks such as depression.

    But fret not, while it is omnipresent, science has provided us ways to help keep stress at bay. Most of these ways are easy to follow, so keep calm and read on...

    1) Take a 10 min walk
    A quiet, relaxing stroll can do wonders to your body and mind, preferably in a park or an open green space, which can put your body into a state of harmony.

    2) Listen to music
    This is no brainer, the way music affects your mind is incomparable. Put on any music you LOVE and you will see how it takes your mind off the stress. It fills your brain with feel-good neurochemicals (like dopamine). From slowing your heart rate to lowering blood pressure and even triggering biochemical stress reducers, music is one soothing way to cut stress. And as they say - music is a drug, so why not!

    3) Breathe in DEEP and breathe out stress
    It's a well known fact that the breath holds an important place in our bodily health. So it comes as no surprise that breathing exercises can help you relax and nourish the body. You may not take this seriously but even just a few deep breaths can help you reduce tension and relieve stress.

    4) Take a snack break
    Treat yourself to something sweet- a candy or chocolate or a drink. It will soothe your senses resulting in the secretion of a stress hormone called glucocorticoid. But just don't over-do it else you will end up with another stress-causing factor - WEIGHT GAIN!

    5) Take a nap
    Napping has been found to help stressed-out people relieve their anxiety and lower blood pressure. Research shows that you can make yourself more alert, reduce stress, and improve cognitive functioning with a nap. JUST a nap. So take out 20 min from your lunch break and pack in that "power nap" for a stress-free you.

    6) Chew a gum
    Sure chewing gum freshens up your breath, but did you know studies have suggested that the act of chewing gum reduces stress and anxiety by reducing the cortisol levels.

    7) Vent it out - in written words
    Writing has a meditative and reflective effect on your mind. When you write down your thoughts on a piece of paper you are able to reflect upon it, introspect and put things in perspective

    8) Visualise
    However confusing it may seem, it is said that visualizing a calm, beautiful and peaceful scene can help you reduce the stress level and ease anxiety.

    9) Exercise
    This is good news for all the fitness lovers. Exercising during stress, even for few minutes, releases a rush of endorphins, which keeps the pain of stress in check.

    10) Sip a cup of tea
    One study found that drinking black tea lowers stress levels and induces relaxation.

    11) Hug and kiss a loved one
    It's a proven fact! Skin-to-skin contact - either kissing, hugging or even just a touch - releases chemicals that are responsible for lowering stress levels and reducing blood pressure in adults. So why not kiss goodbye to stress and hug a happy and healthy mind.

    12) Have a good hearty laugh

    Do ANYTHING that can make you laugh out loud, even better if you ROFL. Anything, like a viral video, or a cat-dog video, watch a sit-com show or a movie. A good laugh is a lighter relaxation technique. "Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain," explains the Mayo Clinic.

    13) Buy a pot plant or two

    Apart from being beautiful air purifiers, plants can actually help you calm down and boost your mood. Researchers found that the presence of pot plants are linked with reduction in feelings of anxiety, fatigue and stress.